"The Poppinga Story" - A one hour audio presentation about the epic story of my mom's side of the family. EPIC I SAY!
"Music and Christianity" - A 40 minute explanation of the essential presence of music in the Christian Church. I start at the 10:00 mark.
"True Freedom" - Tim Keller says that the fish is most free when he is restricted to the water. What are the implications of freedom being closely related to restriction? And does that fit with Christianity?
Selected Print Pieces Available Online:
"Generation Exiled" (report on Portland's teen homelessness) published in January 2010's REARgUARD, Portland State's Alt-Monthly
"Sustainable Hunger" (commentary on the mayor's Portland Plan) published in February 2010's REARgUARD, Portland State's Alt-Monthly.
"The Worstest Day" (Report on May 12th, 2010. Change in leadership, people get shot, chaos at City Hall) Published in May 2010's REARgUARD, Portland State's Alt -Monthly.
"A Christian Response to Pat Robertson" (commentary on Rev. Robertson's comments about the earthquake in Haiti) Published in April 2010's REARgUARD, Portland State's Alt-Monthly.
Other Print Not Online:
Contributing work to Portland's Pathos Magazine,
Monthly staff writing for The REARgUARD.