In an event like yesterday's, my Christian brothers and sisters become increasingly confused: do I agree with people who are happy or do I agree with people who are calm about it all? Do I "love my enemy" right now or do I rejoice in the death of a wicked man?
With the spread of communication much authority has been lost, so we hear everything and decide quickly. That's why you get high school students saying they agree with a certain position because "it just makes sense." What they mean by that is, "the person who said that made me feel better." The loudest voice wins.
On the flip side, the beauty of the interconnected age is that it gives a critical thinker tons of resources. If you can tune out the noise to enjoy the music of healthy discourse, you'll have a sound opinion and a better view of the world. And in our critical thinking, we realize that everything is not so simple.
Jon Furman works down the hall from me and saves me from a lot of mistakes. I suggest, amidst the noise, you listen to Jon's summation of the noise and his call to us to remember that it pains God to pronounce judgement on his creation.
“Say to them; 'As I live,’ says the Lord God, 'I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way and live. Turn, turn from your evil ways! For why should you die, O house of Israel?”- Ezekiel 33:11Even at the death of an evil man, we can make some evil remarks about it all. True followers of Jesus do not react wickedly to evil. Just because a dangerous man falls doesn't mean we get out from under God's call on our lives. We don't get out of jail free, remember.
Certainly, as our President said, the world is safer without a guy like Bin Laden around. But let's remember that we also are extremely dangerous individuals. Evil does not just exist in a suburb of Pakistan, it's trying to make its way out of our own hearts. This much is clear: we need Jesus just as much as the next guy.
Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls the earth looking for someone to devour. 1 Peter 8
The enemy devoured Osama Bin Laden. He is prowling the earth looking for more. We can celebrate knowing the enemy is defeated in the end, but in the meanwhile, we mourn the loss of another soul who was not alert and of sober mind. There will be more.
Thanks John, that's money.
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