Well, now that I think about it, it's kind of large. You may think it small, but I'm going through "dem changes," and this seems like an "announcement-worthy" change.
If you have not heard through the grapevine, I will not be attending Seattle Pacific University next year, but instead will be transferring to Portland Oregon to attend Multnomah Bible College and Biblical Seminary. I'll be making this move primarily and basically due to what I believe to be what we Christians have deemed, "God's calling." If you don't understand this, I'd love to talk to you about it sometime.
If you're around my age, you're trying to figure out what to do with who you are. In high school, I figured out who I was (barely), now it's time to figure out what to do with who I am. The Bible and the study of Theology has been an increasing interest of mine. At Multnomah, I'll be getting the training to go into full time ministry work. That means a lot of things and include, but are not limited to: telling people about the real God and his Gospel, working overseas, perhaps teaching the Bible in schools, and basically working to try to change the image Christianity has...which will be difficult. We appear to be a bunch of old white republicans who hate sex. To many we are people who cram religion down throats and love war, we have become massive manipulators of the soul. This hurts me. This is not the Gospel I read.
The only way to change this image is to serve the world that has created it. If enough serve, I'm convinced this world would be a better place. It's all about service. But that's a whole other subject...
I'd really like to talk to you about my decision to move, as it involves much more than I can write here. And if you don't care, well then, it's all good...just smile at me.
Secondly, (yes a second announcement), I'll be working for Rolling Hills Community Church starting this summer and going through the school year. I'll be working full-time this summer and I'm really excited. Rolling Hills is a great place, but like every church or organization, has lots of work to be done. I've seen too many people hurt by churches and I want that to change, especially at Rolling Hills.
Ladies and gentleman let me say it again: I'm not about law, rules, creeds, church, or even religion, I'm about redemption. And the only One to do so or even claim to do so thus far is the person Jesus Christ. I'm all about redemption, and I'll follow the Redeemer until I die...who's with me?*
*The author apologizes for such a boring and arduous announcement. He promises to get better and hopes you don't think of him to be a sap. He really had nothing to write about and thought this would take up some space. While all the previous is totally true, he knows that a fake announcement would bring a lot more laughter, he just thought the truth may be more insightful for once. He knows he was wrong. He wishes to inform you that you, the reader, are a sap.**
**The author has no clue as to what the term, "sap," actually means and apologizes for his arrogance and ignorance.***
***The author has gotten much better at spelling!
o my goodness chris i am so exctied for you!!!! i've been praying for you and will continue to do so. ahhh i can't tell you how happy i am for you. you are so gifted and will totally change life's for christ!!!
The author also has no clue how to use asterisks. I wouldn't mention this, but I know you're as big a grammar nerd as I am. See ya in a few. Steak on Saturday. Get excited.
The author corrected his error! Now the commenter looks like a tool!
boo yah author!
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