Sunday, September 16, 2007

At the End of the Second Watch of the Night

For the first time in a long time, I am up at 2 AM.

In college, the late night was a constant. In fact, thinking about it now, I remember my roommate Zach and I would look at one another strangely if we started "packing it in" any earlier than midnight thirty. Lately, Johnny and I have been "hittin' the hay" long before that time and are normally completely tired by 11. And if we start a movie later than 10 we're done and will be "turnin' in" in a Mississippi second.

Yes, I'm getting older. I feel like an old man. I found a gray hair the other day. My kid's are telling me I "don't know the scene."

Whatever that was.

I just thought it strange to be here and think it's weird I'm up this late and don't feel like "un-doing the belt."

The bad thing is that this is on a Saturday night.

"I thought that was the best night to stay up late," you say.

No no no, my child. I think you're forgetting something. You see, when you work for a church, you work when everyone else is "slappin' that easy chair." The rest of the world sits on their ass on Sundays. I work up to twelve hours.

***Bible College Story***

I actually sit next to a guy in my World Christianity class who cannot name one Beatles song. Not a single one. He told me he was a man, and that he tells the truth quite a bit. Not one. At least there's another side of things; I met an old guy there who has every Beatles album on vinyl. Vinyl. I smell bacon...Christendom is alive baby.

San Diego plays New England tomorrow.

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