"Uploading is, without doubt, becoming one of the most revolutionary forms of collaboration in the flat world. More than ever, we can all now be producers, not just consumers."In case you're dumb, when I transfer what I have written in a little white box to this blog and push "publish," it is called "uploading," just so we're clear. And in the wake of everyone on planet earth becoming a producer, I feel like I must contribute when something this poopy has happened.
Oprah talking about God.
I'd just like to tell you that my problem with her is not the normal evangelical problem. Some evangelicals are complaining about how she's leading people astray with her crazy witch magic. My complaint is that she's stupid.
Ok, I guess I should take that back right away. She's brilliant. I mean, any one who can make as much money and have as much influence as her is smart. I don't know if people with her magnitude happen by accident, but philosophically and theologically, she is retarded. Let me prove it to you.

If you need a quote from Oprah that proves she holds on the the logic I'm about to lay out, just read what she writes or listen to her talk about God.
Oprah doesn't believe that there can be one way to God. I don't know why, but that is what she claims. And many people claim this. One way to God? How can a loving God do that? It seems inconsistent with the idea that he loves us. Exclusivity is a large piece of the Christian doctrine. Jesus, as you've heard it said, is the way the truth and the life, and no one gets to God without placing faith in Him. This is true. I would totally agree with this. Christianity is exclusive, and I'm totally willing to admit that.
What needs to be understood is that Oprah is even more exclusive than me and Jesus. Oprah says that many people can get to God through different ways. You can get to him through Buddah, Vishnu, yourself, and definitely Jesus. But Jesus can't be the only way...that's too exclusive. How can I claim that? How can God claim that?
Her belief is summed up well in this old Buddhist parable I've heard. There's a bunch on blind men and they all approach an elephant. One of them is touching the leg and says, "The elephant is thick and round." And the other is touching the side and says, "The elephant is flat and large." And the last one is touching the trunk and says, "The elephant is long and slender." The message is that they all have different angles and perceptions on the animal, but they all know it's an elephant.
There is a huge problem with this illustrations, and it actually backfires on its users. The whole story and angle is told from a person who is not blind, inferring that the storyteller is enlightened in some special way. How can you know that all the blind men see only a part of the animal unless the mighty all-powerful, all-seeing YOU can claim to be able to see the entire elephant?
"How could you possibly know that no religion can see the whole truth unless you yourself have the superior, comprehensive knowledge of spiritual reality you just claimed that non of the religions have?"Thank you Tim Keller, from your book The Reason for God.
So don't follow Oprah. Please. Or don't claim that each religion sees part of spiritual truth, but none can see the whole truth. A lot of people do, but in doing so you claim to know everything, being even more exclusive than when I talk about Jesus. At least I tell you I'm exclusive.
God bless America huh?
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