Americans are so weird. How consumeristic can we get? I'm no exception, believe me, this is no elitist rant, I bought a scarf I didn't really need yesterday and I had pizza delivered to my door.
But this season is so funny. While I was running yesterday, I couldn't help but notice the exterior Halloween home decor. I normally try to pray when I run, or just think about blessings, but I've got to admit all the crap in people's lawns really distracted me. Why on earth do you need spend $24.99 on a cauldron? It's a cauldron. When else are you going to get the cauldron out? Ok, if it were a real cauldron, different story, but they're plastic.
It's like mom came home after dropping the kids off at school, locked her car, and in the autumn air she looked at her house she calls home and thought, "You know what, this needs something." And all day she thought about it but just couldn't figure out that missing piece to the exterior of her house. But after long enough mental deliberation she said got it.
So later, kids get back from school, Dad comes home, and mom is done making the meatloaf and looks to her family, her kin, and says.
"You guys, you know what that front lawn needs? A cauldron."
After the pause; "I mean, I know this house is beautiful, and I know it keeps us warm, but we really need a freaking cauldron out there."
The funny thing is that if it really happened this way it would make so much more sense. Even worse, we don't even reason with it in our brains, we just buy it and don't question it. We just walk into Freddy's and we grab the paper towels, the milk, and some more cereal, and then we buy a huge cauldron for the front yard. A freaking cauldron.
I was at Fred Meyer yesterday buying some gum, when the guy behind me threw down the divider, and after the divider a pair of bunny ears.
I looked up at him and he quickly raised his eye brows up and then down. He was most likely single and appeared to be almost 30. Oh, and he was buying fake bunny ears to put on his head all while getting totally smashed. Bunny ears. I know that guy was looking around Fred Meyer thinking, "I'm totally going to get smashed tomorrow night, but I can't just get drunk like this..." and then he saw them. Yeah, I need me some bunny ears.
God Bless America.
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