Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day and What Comes With It

While today may be one of America's most historic days, I am still more excited for the fact that Starbucks is launching its great political campaign: Christmas. Anyone who knows me well knows that I love Starbucks during Christmas. I love red cups. I see them and I can just taste peppermint in my mouth, and I can almost smell Grandma's Christmas tree. Oh Grandma...

As they say, every end is really a beginning. And to me, when this election is said and done and I never hear Jeff Merkley's name again, Christmas will be just beginning. A new season.

Beyond Starbucks, I'm looking forward to the study I am about to do over the next couple of weeks on Christmas; tracing both the western phenomenon we celebrate today, and hopefully trying to track down "the real meaning of Christmas" as Charlie Brown and friends would propose. We'll see what happens, I still need to find better books.

Putting my consumeristic dreams aside, today will be great, whatever happens. But seriously, I have to write about 5 pages on Vladimir Nabokov if I want to watch the race later tonight. It's almost as good as professional football...almost. Hey, Chris Matthews is way better than John Madden.

Seasons Greetings.


Michael W. said...

I'll admit it too. I occasionally prefer Starbucks. Yeah, Christmas time there is like no other place. I also really like their Pumpkin Spice...Nothing competes for me. Unfortunately (well, fortunately in the long run) Minneapolis doesn't have Starbucks on every corner. To be honest, I don't even know where the nearest one is. There are a few other chains (similar to Peetes or Seattle's Best type chains), nothing good. And nothing that I have found that competes with Stumptown/Vita/Stickman/ all those other shops I went to everyday.

but they do have a lot of Target's and US Banks....

Vickie Chambers said...

It seems the joy Starbucks brings with the Christmas cups is equal throughout the country. I interrupted my boss's story about her clothing choice today when I noticed the red cup in her hand, and promptly went to celebrate as soon as I got off work.

It's that time of year again, and I'm loving every minute of it.

Robert T. Straton said...

i had an eggnog latte today.