While today may be one of America's most historic days, I am still more excited for the fact that Starbucks is launching its great political campaign: Christmas. Anyone who knows me well knows that I love Starbucks during Christmas. I love red cups. I see them and I can just taste peppermint in my mouth, and I can almost smell Grandma's Christmas tree. Oh Grandma...
As they say, every end is really a beginning. And to me, when this election is said and done and I never hear Jeff Merkley's name again, Christmas will be just beginning. A new season.
Beyond Starbucks, I'm looking forward to the study I am about to do over the next couple of weeks on Christmas; tracing both the western phenomenon we celebrate today, and hopefully trying to track down "the real meaning of Christmas" as Charlie Brown and friends would propose. We'll see what happens, I still need to find better books.
Putting my consumeristic dreams aside, today will be great, whatever happens. But seriously, I have to write about 5 pages on Vladimir Nabokov if I want to watch the race later tonight. It's almost as good as professional football...almost. Hey, Chris Matthews is way better than John Madden.
Seasons Greetings.
I'll admit it too. I occasionally prefer Starbucks. Yeah, Christmas time there is like no other place. I also really like their Pumpkin Spice...Nothing competes for me. Unfortunately (well, fortunately in the long run) Minneapolis doesn't have Starbucks on every corner. To be honest, I don't even know where the nearest one is. There are a few other chains (similar to Peetes or Seattle's Best type chains), nothing good. And nothing that I have found that competes with Stumptown/Vita/Stickman/ all those other shops I went to everyday.
but they do have a lot of Target's and US Banks....
It seems the joy Starbucks brings with the Christmas cups is equal throughout the country. I interrupted my boss's story about her clothing choice today when I noticed the red cup in her hand, and promptly went to celebrate as soon as I got off work.
It's that time of year again, and I'm loving every minute of it.
i had an eggnog latte today.
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