It is quite rare that someone lives such a full and impacting life, that the general public wonders whether or not the world in which we live in would be the same had that person never lived. While many have not read the primary texts of C.S. Lewis, it can be argued that western thought would not be the same had Lewis not lived. I'm not going to sit here and write why I would agree with that, but I will say I need to devote a post to this somewhat insignificant blog, to honor the birth date of this great man and thinker.
Not only did he change and solidify western thought in philosophy and theology, but the guy lived a long life straight up rocking the middle name "Staples." I went through a season of my life where I was committed to naming my firstborn son, "Needles," but could not bank on the fact that he would be as cool as Clive Staples. It takes a very special and quite rare individual to rock a name like Staples, and beyond rocking that name, writing some of the best literature we have access to as human beings.
He was born on this day in 1898.
"Those who are enjoying something, or suffering something together, are companions. Those who enjoy or suffer one another, are not."
-That Hideous Strength, p. 148
1 comment:
dude a guest speaker at the antioch house came and gave a sermon on "donkey's delight" by clive staples. it's so fricking good
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