It's normally a little awkward when that friend gives you their piece of art and they say that daunting comment: "Let me know what you think!" You smile halfway and force out the enthusiastic, "Yeah, OK!"
I realized this at the dawn of the MySpace Music pandemonium that apparently is still going on. "Check out my MySpace page and let me know what you think!"
I won't!
Luckily, however, I've been overwhelmed by the amount of talent that is in my life. That, for the vast majority of my creative friends, there is a direct contradiction to that common situation of having to fake the enjoyment of someone's pathetic and terrible work of art.
My friends are stupidly talented, and if none of them get famous or in some way recognized, I will be eternally confused.
Two of my very good friends recently released some amazing creative material.
John Finnerty is my roommate, and in my opinion, a remarkable graphic designer. I've learned a lot living with him - more than just how much he sucks at Halo 2. He recently opened THEYEARTWOTHOUSAND, which is an exploration of design with naive mediums. It is showing in the lobby of Pacific Northwest College of Art.
He also designed the album cover for my old buddy Mitchell Sumner, who released a truly terrific album, "Jip Opus." Only a couple times before have I kept listening to a friend's record over and over and over. "Jip Opus" is not leaving my car, not even to load on to my iTunes. It is beyond worth the $7 you can pay on
So buy some local music and visit a local art show because these people are freaking talented and I get the pleasure of knowing them.
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