Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Latest in Unneeded Tasering

Yeah...wow. Here's a clip of the Phillies fan getting the taser from security guards at a game against the Cards. In watching this clip and the others that surround it, I find absolutely no reason for that guard to activate his taser. Is this how we're going to take care of these types of issues? He was running around on the field and you had like five guys running after him...and...you tase him. Hm.

Don't tase me bro!


NickDavies said...

Unneeded?!? It was definitely needed and appropriate! Not only was he criminally trespassing and alluding police (both crimes), he was potentially putting the players in harms way. What if he had a knife or gun on him? What if he went after a player? Monica Seles was attacked by a fan who ran onto the tennis. The police had no idea who this guy was and what his intent was.

Alluding police, by itself, is enough to warrant being tasered. Add to that the fact that he was criminally trespassing and potentially seeking to harm others, the officer was totally in his rights to tase him.

Chris Nye said...

Nick, this is a 17 year old bro waving his hands in the air and running in circles. I think it's pretty easy to see the difference between a maniac and a kid being an idiot. If you can't do that, you shouldn't hold a taser. But you know what, at least it was just a taser, they would have shot him in Portland.

Scott Nye said...

No, he looks white from here. He'd be safe.

That said, the alternative was to tackle him, which in the past has led to broken bones or, worse, head injuries. With a taser, you're running the risk of heart trouble, but he's young enough that it's probably safer than going for the tackle.

Either way, kid shouldn't have been causing trouble. Hate to sound like an old man, but warranted or not, he had it coming.

NickDavies said...

Chris, it's easy to see the difference after the fact. But as he's running on the field you don't know his intent (or even his age). You must protect the players from harm! He was breaking the law....you cant' get around that fact. He was trespassing and resisting arrest. If he was doing that outside of a sports stadium you wouldn't think twice about him being tased. The only difference here is the crowd

Jeremy Kim said...
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Jeremy Kim said...

I'm going to have to agree with Nick... While in hindsight, it seems like it may have been excessive force, at the time of the event it is really hard to judge a situation like that except for the fact that, "There is a crazy guy running around on the field who should not be there". Also, the kid could clearly run faster than all those cops.

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