Saturday, November 18, 2006

Wii are doing it!

If you don't know what they hell that means, let me explain. On Sunday, November 19th Nintendo will release its new creation for gamers, the Wii. On yes, that means a whole new slew of Mario and Zelda. I guess it also means I'm sleeping at Target tonight.

Two gentlemen from my floor here at the university (I feel like a prick for saying that, but I also don't care) want to purchase one of these systems. And since I love adventure, tonight I will be sleeping at the Target at Northgate here in Seattle Washington. But guess what, I have no money! So that means I'm just a moral support and watching my two buddies spend some hard earned cash.

I think I'll pick up some detergent while I'm there.


Scott Nye said...

After a night on the street, detergent will be the least of your needs I'm sure.

Godspeed. Well, I guess you're already there, the gamers didn't steal your wallet.

Unknown said...