But this carries over to my adult life. In fact, just yesterday I was cruzin’ (yes, cruzin’) down Lovejoy following a biker when she fell to the ground. She did that fall where you hit the ground twice; one on the initial impact and another off of the ricochet from the first. Her helmet flew off but her embarrassment adrenaline kicked in and she was on the sidewalk before I could get any words out. She was wearing a dress and I stared at her as I passed and she was bleeding all down her leg. I thought about pulling over but just then her friend peddled back to her with concern. I’m glad she had a friend because I was already laughing and it would be bad to be trying to catch my breath from laughter while cleaning the blood off her leg. Who am I kidding? I would never clean the blood off of her leg, that’s gross.
This carnal attitude made me remember this time my best friends and I went TP-ing in jr. high. I think TP-ing is an innate desire grafted into little children. I never had to be told what it was, I just knew what to do when I was looking at a pillar-filled house armed with a roll of toilet paper. Brilliant.
It was me, Alex Cassidy, Adam Mealey, Russell Goodwin, and Clark Henarie. We had seen this house before. In fact, it was on a walk home one day that we all decided that that Friday night we would bombard this poor sap’s house with stuff we whip our butts with.
The next thing I know, it’s Friday night and there I am in front of this stranger’s house. We begin the massacre. Nothing of much substance or to laugh about at first, but I think it was when Adam Mealey put the TP around the Gargoyle’s pelvic region that I let out a giggle. In the middle of my demonic chuckle I heard a door latch. Suddenly, the door was open and I heard God say, “What the hell are you little sh**’s doing?” This wasn’t God, and was in fact a very angry man standing at his doorway…with a shotgun.
Because I was concentrating so hard on the fact that this guy had the power of life and death in his right hand, I really couldn’t answer the very pertinent question he was asking. What the hell WAS I doing? I really could not answer that. I guess I was putting toilet paper all over his house…but that really makes me sound weird. I wish I had a better explanation for it.
“You better run fast,” he somewhat shouted. Good advice. We ran. Hard. But our little 8th grade legs had only made it about ten yards before he yelled again, “Actually wait! I want all your names and phone numbers.” This was a classic trick amongst parents in my neighborhood. They always wanted first and last names with our phone numbers. The impending threat was that they would “let our parents know about the trouble” we were making. I believe I fake names and fake phone numbers to about 25 different adults in Portland. I was prepared to do this again for the Shotgun Man.
But before I could say, “My name is Eugene Balls,” Alex and Adam just booked it. This went against anything we had ever done as a group. Ducks fly together! What were they thinking? I didn’t think at all, I just ran with them and all of a sudden we were all running.
That sprint was the most terrifying sprint of my life thus far. I was waiting for a bullet to hit my rear. I remember sort of thinking, as I heard him load his gun, that it would be kind of cool to get shot right then. Or maybe if Adam got shot…that would be better. If he got shot then I could carry him and tell a great story. Everyone would tell about the time they TP’d their principal and I can just whip out the trump card of TP stories. “We were running and next thing I know, Adam is on the ground, bullet in his leg.” If I were to ever tell a story like that, I would always eliminate all of the “there was’s”, and just use nouns with prepositional phrases. “Adam on the ground, bullet in his leg, I’m next to him, freakin’ out.”
I was totally ready to get hit. What would mom think? She’d better sue. To all of our surprise and delight, he fired his gun with a pffft and no affect on us nor its environment.
B-B gun. What a rookie.
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