Thursday, March 5, 2009

Oh, Hello There

About once every three or four months, I neglect this blog in order to do more important things with my life. But every so often, I get that pang of procrastination and decide to dedicate my time back to completely wasting it.

SO, hello.

I stepped out for a month because stuff at church has not slowed down, and I'm incredibly excited. I know this blog takes many different forms and you end up suffering through things I think are important. But, on the other hand, I get awkward comments from people who tell me I should keep this bad boy running. And sometimes, you just gotta let a thoroughbred run.

Since this is devoted to things I think are important, I want to give you these updates from my view of the earth, and hope that the both of us don't come out on the other end of this a little older and with less purpose. OK.

1) My greatest excitement and celebration is in the power of Jesus Christ. I've been eating a feast of his Word morning by morning, learning who he is, how great he is, and the joy that comes through the good news.
2) I hate Spotty, the "cat" who loiters in my house.
3) I joined the Atheist club at Portland State. I'm sort of incognito, but my true identity will be revealed to all soon. So far, there's some excellent discussion and I'm learning a lot. God help me, I love 'em.
4) Go Blazers. Sat in section 212 last night. We won by two. Go Blazers.
5) I have too many words for the things happening in our ministry. We're on the mountain top and praying hard. Every week I'm hearing about new life, solidified faiths, and repentance. Furthermore, relationships with kids from all over the city of Portland are being formed, and God is changing everyone in the process.
6) I get to network with great people next week from around the world and it's all because some awesome people love me and believe in me...and got me in for free.
7) I got business cards.
8) Loving a girl as much as I do makes me a bit different, but I also couldn't give less of a crap about that.
9) Heart of Darkness is the greatest novella ever written.
10) Without C.S. Lewis, my faith would be a lot harder.
11) I'm praying for my family every day because without Christ I think we would not understand why a lot of suffering is happening in our lives.

I have a class in five minutes, so eleven is enough. I will end with saying that I've never been more positive in my life that the Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwich will never be dethroned as king of lunch sandwiches. It's cost-effective and healthy like none other. I think I may research the PB&J instead of listening to a lecture.

God is at work, see you soon.


Allison Francis said...

hi chris. i thought i'd reveal myself as a reader of your blog. i enjoy it. i'm glad things seem to be going well!

River said...

I admit I am also a reader :) Your blog really encourages me that there are Christian's I can tolerate. As well, it helps my own faith in God. Keep blogging!

Matthew C. said...

You split an infinitive in the first paragraph.

Matthew C. said...

Curses, no you didn't. It's actually a gerund. My bad. (I have a grammar final in 20 minutes, so I'm practicing).