Friday, May 8, 2009

Half of Your Life is a Long Time

For those of you who do not know, my awesome Senior Pastor, Dale Ebel, is stepping down from the Senior Pastor position after 31 years of service to the church he planted. As with any major transition, there's a lot of gossip going around. Here's the email I wrote to my volunteers and ministry to clear to the air:
Hello all,

I have a lot to say, all of it is important, so please read.

If you did not already know, our Senior Pastor, Dale Ebel, has decided to move on from his role as Senior Pastor and into a new ministry outside of Rolling Hills that he will begin soon. This decision may seem immediate, but it is something he has been processing for a long time. We, as a staff, are very excited for his new season and we're looking forward to what God has for Rolling Hills as Dale moves on.

Dale is 62 and has served Rolling Hills for half of his life. He planted the church and now believes that in order to preserve the health of the body and his family, he must move on. I'm attaching a letter he personally sent out to all members and attenders.

I had the privilege of attending a very emotional and uplifting staff meeting on Tuesday where Dale spoke honestly about his time at Rolling Hills and his plans for the future. I can tell you in all with certainty that this is the best thing for everyone, and Dale is stepping down out of his own decision and discernment in the calling of God through the Holy Spirit. I trust Dale and am excited for the future.

I will say that you will hear rumors about why Dale stepped down. Please disregard gossip and slanderous talk. This is Dale's move, not a ploy to usurp power. Dale himself said this over and over and to say anything outside of this would be to label your pastor as a liar.

When something this shocking and emotional happens, people tend to freak out and say things that aren't true at all. Some say these things out of a good intention, but then use the worst method. Be watchful for people trying to create dissension among you and be in prayer.

Finally, know this is a good thing for our church. Our staff meeting today was incredible. Awesome prayers, confessions of personal sin, and repentance all happened. This is a defining moment for our staff and church but also a time of testing. The staff has been in more honest and deep prayer than I have ever seen. This is a good thing.

If you have any questions, the best thing to do is to email me.

I encourage you to attend this Sunday's service at 9am or 11am. Also, please read the letter to the congregation from Dale and the chairman of the elder board, Don Carter.

I love you all and I'll see you Sunday.

Be in prayer!

Pastor Chris Nye

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