Friday, October 9, 2009

What I'll Be Working On

I have this rule that I'll speak wherever and whenever I am asked as long as I don't have a prior engagement. I set up this statute because my mentor, Joel, once told me that the only way to learn how to teach and speak in front of people is to do it over and over and fail as many times as possible. Over the past three years, I've found that to be totally true. Books on public speaking can help you to some degree, but there's no experience like getting up in front of hundreds of people and going for it.

Needless to say, sometimes this cute little rule of mine really gets ahead of me. Typically, the fall season and the spring are busy. But I like it. Teaching is what I love to do and something I plan on doing for the rest of my life in some capacity. Here's what's on the docket, and what a lot of my time will be put towards:
Oct. 11: "Hope for the Mortal" @ Rolling Hills Community Church Sunday morning sermon
Oct. 16-18: "The Deniers of Jesus: Peter and Judas (and how to be Peter)" @ Rolling Hills Men's Retreat at Cascades
Oct. 30: "Two Things" @ Fellowship of Christian Athletes Regional Meeting
Nov. 7: "Reaching and Retaining the Graduate" @ BRIDGES 2009 Youth Leaders Conference
This doesn't include my weekly Bible study or the 16 credits I'm taking at I have a great month ahead. If you want me to speak somewhere, I'll take free food as a payment.

Advice to the busy: the only way you'll relieve stress is by listing out priorities and starting your day by reading/praying David's Psalms. It's true. Best stress reliever out there.

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