The letters that they send reflect a total intention to love the place where they live. They say things like, "We're finally having tea with our neighbor, who has ignored us for the last six months and we're praying that through this tea date they would understand that we love them and Jesus loves them and that is all." They are the most intentional citizens. Everything that they do is for the reason that the world may know Christ and his love.
I'm not sure I live like that.

Over Ali's famous noodle stir-fry, we sat on the floor and prayed that our apartment wouldn't just be an apartment, but a sanctuary; a place where people could experience God. A place of peace, life, and hospitality.
This morning, I walked to Coffee Plant (a place I'm sure I'll spend many mornings) and prayed for the neighborhood and what God would have me do with the people here. It's full of medical students, teachers, and young professionals. It's quiet but lively, blue collar and collegiate. What are we to do here?
I meditated on Paul's words, which he speaks to the Athenian skeptics on Mars Hill in Acts 17:26
"And he made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted period and the boundaries of their dwelling place, that they should seek God, in the hope that they might feel their way toward him and find him."You live where you live for a reason - it's a good time to start living like there's a little more weight to our circumstances.
Join me?
Well said and committed. I look forward to hearing how everything goes in the new place and hope to have the same intentionality here and wherever Jesus sends us in the future.
Ab-soul-utely..I'm there...I totally agree as you and Ali have stated, to make my home, others their home. A place to share the storms and calm seas of this world together, with determination to seek and share our eternal home called HEAVEN!
It will be a blast to be neighbors...
Badminton on the river bank anyone?
The set is waiting in my hall closet for anyone to use.
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