You would think the thought of writing another word would be causing my gag reflexes to fire, but oh how you would be wrong. When I'm happy, I do one of four things: 1) Take my lady out for a fine meal 2) Play Frisbee 3) Sing or 4) Write. Often times one leads to another so I will start with the fourth option.
In celebration of this burden being lifted, I'd like to tell you what on earth is going on in my ever-changing life. This is something I do not do often, because I find it strange, but today I find it both helpful and exciting.
Let's try bullet points, shall we?
-JOBS: I have two new jobs that both start this month and I'm extremely pumped about them. The wonderful people at Willamette Christian Church have hired me on as their full time High School Pastor, which is something that gives me great joy to report. I've been working for Willamette since January of this year on a contract basis in order to try and keep the youth ministry afloat. You know what was amazing? We didn't just keep afloat, we've been CRUZIN' USA! (sorry). We've nearly doubled in the past five months I've been there and there's no way it has to do with me, because I only worked 20 hours a week. The Ghost decided to move and the leaders responded. I'm humbled to be a part of what he's doing at this quickly growing church. Plus, I get to work with Joel Dombrow again...are you kidding me?
-SUBSECTION: I am also now a staff writer at the Rearguard monthly paper. I haven't been already, you say? I was hired on an intern basis to write and get school credit in exchange. Now they got me on staff on the contributing level, where I'll supposedly see money for my writing every month. I say "supposedly" because I truly have no idea where or how I would get my check from that office. Adventures!-TOTALLY GETTING MARRIED STILL. July 24th. Crazy pumped. I would love to start writing about her, but I'm afraid I might not stop. More on this later.
-SHE'S A SCIENTIST: Ali graduates this coming weekend and I'll be in Seattle from Wednesday-Monday helping her move her things down, connecting with as many people as possible, and seeing that girl WALK. She'll have a BS in bio and a minor in creative writing. That equals smart, in case you're wondering. In addition to being a very proud fiance, I am a very proud friend of the numerous other graduates that I know. This would be my class, had I stayed at Seattle Pacific, and I love them all dearly.
-MOVING: July 18th, I'll be moving into Ali and I's schmancy two bedroom in John's Landing. It's the greatest neighborhood you've never heard of in Portland. Also, parking is still free there (shh, I know). The part I refuse to discuss right now is that my roommate/friend/brother/example and I will have to depart from one another after three years of sharing close to everything. I get emotional about this. Like a girl. More on this later.
That's the thin of it. Ultimately, in the grand scheme of things, God lives, the world is being made new, and my heart is gradually changing.
Today is a day of wrapping up things in this town and packing for five days in the Emerald City. If you so happen to find yourself in Seattle over the next week, let's get together and celebrate what God is doing.
Until then...
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