Well I'm a month plus into marriage and I couldn't be happier. A little less reading this month, but enough has been conquered to write home about.
1) Sag Harbor by Colson Whitehead (Anchor, 352 pages). I did NOT finish this book, mainly because after high hopes and 63 pages I discovered it was very tough to read. Not like, "I can't read your language little boy!" unreadability, but more like, "I don't get your voice because it is at times inconsistent" type of thing going on. Whitehead comes highly recognized and recommended, but I'm afraid the voice and slow moving plot was simply not enough to keep me. It's probably because I'm not civilized enough to get it. It's not you, Whitehead, it's me.
2) Revival by Dr. D. Martin Lloyd-Jones (Crossway Books, 316 pages). Simply called, "The Doctor," Lloyd-Jones is one of my intellectual mentors. He was perhaps the most influential preachers in all of Europe in the 50s and 60s and he held the Westminster Chapel in England for most of his life as a minister. Before stepping into preaching, the Doctor was exactly that, a physician. His writing and preaching is some of the best and he has such a unique way of describing the things and commands of God I am consistently astonished. I had already read part of this work, a study on revival (duh), in previous years, but only have recently picked it up in order to understand more fully what God does when he works immediately and deeply at the same time. Finishing his series and closing the last chapter, the Doctor is profound in his charge to his church: "Seek him, stir yourself up to call upon his name. Take hold upon him, plead with him as your Father, as your Maker, as your Potter, as your Guide, as your God. Plead his own promises. Cry unto him and say, "Oh that thou wouldest rend the heavens, that thou wouldest come down!" He was a true man of God and a true scholar, one of the few people I can safely call a passionate genius.
3) Selected Stories by Andre Dubus (Vintage, 496 pages). Ali and I are both reading the short stories of the great Andre Dubus and we're both floored. You might have heard of his more famous novel, In The Bedroom. These stories in Selected are simply pheno

Well, that's what's happening.
Keep reading, my friends.
If you're a Dubus fan I was going to recommend The House of Sand and Fog, which I read in high school and quite liked, but then I remembered that that was written by Andre Dubus III. Strangely, there does not appear to be an Andre Dubus II. Anyway, good book.
haha...I think everyone makes the mistake. Dubus III is the son of Dubus, who is in fact, the II.
I really want to read that book...it's been on my list for a while.
Как говорилось на Seexi.net все вокруг замороченные очень и нервные, всё находят буквально каждый день из-за чего переживать. какая то мания беспойства... сколько вон тем на форуме из-за ерунды))) в данный момент ещё начнут советы мне в этой теме давать или же посылать) а мне пофиг! хорошо мне! и на вопрос как дела помимо как "хорошо" я не знаю что отвечать.
не курю я)
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