Tuesday, April 12, 2011

"But he was in the stern"

When the disciples were caught in one of the worst storms they had seen on the sea, they believed they were going to die. Remember, these men were 1st century fishermen and a storm was nothing new. Yet this one was bad. They are quoted yelling for their lives as Jesus lay asleep in the stern of the boat.

What did the fishermen do?

"And they woke him and said to him, 'Rabbi...'"

They woke up the Rabbi. Sounds like the start to a bad joke. Often times we go on from this point in the story, but I'd like to stop us all here: in the midst of the storm, they woke up the teacher.

They not only woke up the teacher, they woke up the Messiah, God himself in flesh. So, let's make this simple and short: when a storm comes your way, what do you do?

Often times, we try to battle out the storm and fight it, all the while waiting for God. We wait. And we wait. And we wait. "Where is God now?" we ask. We blame him and believe him away from our lives.

Wake. Him. Up.

God will not leave you, but he might have his face turned away, he might be asleep or in other words: he might be waiting on you. If you are in the storm and waiting for God, it's time that you go to the depths of your vessel and wake him up. Speak to him, yell at him, shake him in the cages of your soul - for it might be time for a miracle.


Liz said...

Beautifully expressed. Thanks for the word of faith and encouragement.

Chris Nye said...

Thanks Liz!