Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Too Legit To Quit

I didn't come up with that title - this guy did.

Due to an increase in traffic and my desire to take this blog to the outermost spaces of the cosmos, I decided to purchase a little spot for myself on the interwebs. If you've dropped in anytime after Sunday afternoon, you were redirected to the much cleaner www.wearemadeofsound.com
Yeah! So this shouldn't mess up anyone's RSS, but if it does let me know. And hey, now that the annoying ".blogspot" is out of our way, I think we can get a lot more done together. So pass that URL around as much as you like. Finally, thanks to you all who pass this around to one another, it's cool to hear the random people who read/enjoy and the growing number of visitors I see on my little statistical report. Friends of WAMOS, this one's for you (wait for the guitar solo around 2:48)...SING IT LEANN!!!

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