I wish there was some way where I could tell every person who has had some sort of scar from Christianity in the past, that it wasn’t God or Jesus that hurt them, but that it was man. It was the Priest who raped the child, the pastor who excommunicated the lesbian, and the preacher who told you that you weren’t good enough. These are not Jesus’ words. You want Jesus’ words? These are the Red Letters:
“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me – watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything ill fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely…”
(Matthew 11:28-30 MSG)
Jesus Christ never called us to a set of rules. He calls us to Him. “Follow me,” he says, “Keep company with me,” he says again. Jesus doesn’t just know the truth or possess it like many other religious figures claim, Christ is the truth. He embodies it. And the truth is, while humanity has screwed up so much in His name, Christ still stands tall and mighty.
The Gospel is good news, not news of hell and fire. The difference between Christ and anything else out there in the “religion world” is this: Redemption vs. Religion. Religion gives a guideline, a book or creed that you must live by or else God hates you. Christ is Redemption and this means God loves you. Period. You’ve done wrong. Hell, who hasn’t? But don’t you think the Creator of the world knows that? Don’t you think if he created the world, that he knows and already knew that his creation would choose to do bad things? That’s exactly why he sent Jesus Christ. When Christ died on the cross his last words were, “It is finished.” Religion says you have work to do, and if you aren’t doing that work, God will hate you. Memorize this, give all that, preach till you are soar, then God will love you. God says, “It is finished. I have always loved you, and will always love you. Accept with faith, and My Grace will cover those things you have done and will do.”
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