Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Rearguard Pushed to Double Issue in January

So after much deliberation, the paper decided that a December issue would be POINTLESS. And it would be. The plan was to put out this month's issue this week, perhaps around today. But then the staff thought, hmmm, everyone is in final's mode and after that everyone leaves. So why do we work so hard to release a paper that many people will not read one word of? If the paper comes out this week, it will be neglected and the PSU community will come back in January to an old Rearguard sitting there like a wet towel in the corner of the bathroom. Nobody likes you, wet towel, you make the room tense.


We wait and push a double issue complete with a "Year in Review" insert and have it hit the stands right when everyone's back in school and doing absolutely nothing but shoving syllabi after syllabi in their messenger bag (no backpacks in Portland) when, OH LOOK REARGUARD. YAY! I'll read that! Then they fall in love with our paper and our writing and massive amounts of attention and cash come flooding into the basement of the Smith Building, where our office sits.

What do we choose?

I think you can guess. Look for January. Focus on school and buying useless things for people you don't care to much for (Christmas).

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