Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Classic Sounds: Happy Birthday Larry Bird

When I looked at the date today I thought two things: first, the intensity and historic impact of the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941 and, secondly, the intensity and historic impact of Larry Bird. Because for some reason in my head I have always remembered that my favorite NBA player has kind of an awkward birthday. And I need a break from work writing, let's be honest.

And then I remembered that I wrote a tribute to Larry Bird years ago on this very blog. Yes! This blog! Can you believe it?

In 2006, I wrote this classic post about Larry Bird. I re-read it and it totally has stood the test of time - I'm still proud of it. Click and check it out. Also, here's a bonus awkward photo of the REAL "Bird man," Larry Legend, in a not so legendary pose. This is what Sports Illustrated is for, right?
(HT: SI Vault)

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